The last day of no-family-dom...
Nothing big to report today...
Today wasn't a shave day...but I forgot that I had to be on TV with the Planning and Zoning Commission...When my ugly mug was flashed up on the screen...I realized I looked like a homeless swarthy looking vagrant...Guess I'll need to put up my meeting schedule at the house...so I'll remember when I need to at least 'appear' like I care...
Oh...officially Janet won the geographic guessing game...placing a post in the quote section guessing Argentina....Un-officially Sean E. won with a guess...it was through the email...so...I think I can disqualify that if I want....Take THAT you short-timer!
T minus 0 days...
Nice job with the beard there...
You all must be very excited about finally being together in one place. We'll miss you guys. Stay in touch.
Tell Janet thanks for Isabella's present. I was really nice. I will be posting the new website in a couple of days. One of my friends is going to be hosting it so I dont want to push too hard. i am including a blog in there so there will be lots of stuff about the baby to post. I will let you know when we're online. Take care buddy. Sorry this is so long...
My friend Chance?
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