Friday, February 27, 2009

Days 321 and 322

after only 4 months... it's finished...we let the dogs out to play in the yard...for the first time since last June....
I'll post some stats when I take some time to figure them out...
oh....and for a special occasion such as this...I present to you The Amazing Race Tryout video...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 320

Watching the Oscars on Sunday I saw a nominated Animated short film called Oktapodi...and I had to find it...
It's pretty funny....
In the same vein as the short films that proceed the Pixar movies...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Days 318 and 319

Seriously...I'm 35...and I've never caught more goodies at any parade than what we caught today...
We were invited by the family that we rented the townhome from to go to New Orleans with them...We got to watch Zulu and Rex from the 2nd story balcony of a house on St. Charles Street...The parades passed right in front of us all 5 hours we were there...and when I tell you they unload....It's down-right ri-donk-ulous...
We caught more bags of beads than individual beads...and I PROMISE...there were more beads in the gutter of the balcony than I had ever caught at any parade...
It was truly a Mardi Gras to remember...and a GREAT way to introduce the boys to this south Louisiana festival...
When we got home we dumped out all 60 pounds of the goodies....for this photo..

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Days 314 - 317

Another article...
and....I mean....obviously...

“He has decided there will be no subdivisions developed without sidewalks, and you look at the cost of cement,” she said. “With each and every requirement, the cost goes up, and pretty soon it will be so expensive that people can’t afford to live here. I’m not sure this area is ready for that much change.”

You know what...she changed my mind...we should keep doing things crappy....cause it's cheaper...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another for Day 313

a quote from the article:
'We are currently waiting for confirmation from Guinness that my ear hair, which stands at 25cm is now the new standard for men with extreme ear hair.'

For the whole article click

Realizing now, that I don't meet the NEW standard for extreme ear hair...I guess I will start trimming again...

Days 312-313

Since I know that Janet and I aren't the only people on the planet that love those home makeover shows...I present to you a bathroom that is part of a friend's home improvements...
I can't stress to much we are impressed by the changes...
I can hardly wait to see it in person...Nice work Dave and Roxane!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Days 305-311 the first photo is from our Valentine's Day dinner at this FANCY restaurant at that historic House I mentioned a while back...
Janet got the better dinner (AGAIN)...She got a stuffed Lobster tail thingie on a creamy crawfish risotto....
The second photo is a picture of my splurged snack the other day...I spend a whole $1.25....
But, I think I'm worth it... fries.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Days 301 - 304

No major news to report from this past weekend... Worked on the fence... I can now officially declare that we are more than half done...
I have one single-wide gate left to build...and the Double-wide...
I have 8 more posts to put in the ground..
and by my calculations we will be about 250 fence boards short....after dismantling all of the panels that were knocked over during the Hurricane, and the extra yard that we are enclosing (about 200 square feet)...

Here's another shot from my Lafayette trip...It's the house that I grew up in...I can't tell you the number of bike ramps that were constructed on that sidewalk there...Too many to count...
I can also remember that when we would get heavy rains...water would completely cover the sidewalks on both sides of the road...and we could skim board all the way across the street...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Days 299 and 300

This is one of those 'What if' pictures...
Sure...What if I wasn't a horrible player...
What if I had played more than one season...
What if I had actually scored a single point during the season...
What if my parents had actually bought me actual basketball shoes instead of hand-me-down bum sneakers....
I coulda been the next Larry Bird...

Maybe not...

300 Days since I left Orlando...It really doesn't seem like it...but...The blog doesn't lie...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 298

So, Dean has this spot on hsi finger that he constantly picks at...and it's just a nasty little sore...Really quite funky...
Well, tonight we were getting them ready for bed and Janet asked him if she could look at it...
She told him that if he didn't quit picking at it...that it would fall off..."What do you mean?" he asked...
She said it again..."If you keep picking at will fall off"
"What do you mean?" he asked again...
"If you keep picking at that scab on your finger...your finger will fall off..."
This was immediately followed by hysterical he couldn't believe that Mom would say that...because Mom doesn't joke like that....

We spent the next 10 minutes trying to calm him down...
and then janet and I spend the next 15 minutes laughing about it...

This is a glass sculpture from the lobby of one of the terminals in the Dallas Airport...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 297

I'm not sure too much needs to be said beyond what the picture says for itself...

Other than you really can't tell how silky smooth it was by the picture...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Days 295 & 296

Janet and I installed 8 more fence posts on Saturday...and cleaned our garage....We are now able to park one car in the garage...and with a little more labor...we should be able to get another one in there shortly...I have a pile of hardy board planks that were overstock when they built our house...and I just need to figure out a way to store them...

Today I made a difficult decision...One of my early 'bargain finds' was a pair of 15" Cerwin Vega home Stereo speakers...New they would have been about $300 bucks a pop...I paid $100 for the pair...Well, one got pretty beat up in the move...and it just wasnt worth keeping...So, I removed the speakers from the cabinets...and set em ablaze...

I got about 18 years out of those speakers...Money well spent...if you ask me...