So, Dean has this spot on hsi finger that he constantly picks at...and it's just a nasty little sore...Really quite funky...
Well, tonight we were getting them ready for bed and Janet asked him if she could look at it...
She told him that if he didn't quit picking at it...that it would fall off..."What do you mean?" he asked...
She said it again..."If you keep picking at will fall off"
"What do you mean?" he asked again...
"If you keep picking at that scab on your finger...your finger will fall off..."
This was immediately followed by hysterical he couldn't believe that Mom would say that...because Mom doesn't joke like that....
We spent the next 10 minutes trying to calm him down...
and then janet and I spend the next 15 minutes laughing about it...
This is a glass sculpture from the lobby of one of the terminals in the Dallas Airport...