Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Days 318 and 319

Seriously...I'm 35...and I've never caught more goodies at any parade than what we caught today...
We were invited by the family that we rented the townhome from to go to New Orleans with them...We got to watch Zulu and Rex from the 2nd story balcony of a house on St. Charles Street...The parades passed right in front of us all 5 hours we were there...and when I tell you they unload....It's down-right ri-donk-ulous...
We caught more bags of beads than individual beads...and I PROMISE...there were more beads in the gutter of the balcony than I had ever caught at any parade...
It was truly a Mardi Gras to remember...and a GREAT way to introduce the boys to this south Louisiana festival...
When we got home we dumped out all 60 pounds of the goodies....for this photo..

1 comment:

long time first time said...

The boys must have lifting their shirts up quite a bit... or was it Janet?